速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Organic, Biodynamic and Sustainable Wine

Organic, Biodynamic and Sustainable Wine


檔案大小:9.5 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Organic, Biodynamic and Sustainable Wineries of CA(圖1)-速報App

Find more than 200 California organic, biodynamic and sustainable wineries in our new app. Find your new favorite healthy wineries that maintain high quality grapes and wines.

GoLocalApps has made more than 10 apps for wine regions, and this is our first wine app based around a theme - healthy organic wineries producing great wine. You can use this app not only for touring around California, but we've also included contact information for each winery so if they're too far away for a visit, you can still place an order and have the wines shipped directly to you.

Features of the app:

- Sort all of the wineries, by Organic, BioDynamic or Sustainable.

Organic, Biodynamic and Sustainable Wineries of CA(圖2)-速報App

- See lists of the wineries around you sorted by distance, type or alphabetical

- Look at all the wineries on a map around you that you can expand or contract as you want

- Contact information, including social media for every winery.

- Hours of operation and tasting fees included for every winery

Organic, Biodynamic and Sustainable Wineries of CA(圖3)-速報App

We hope you enjoy this app as much as we did researching and developing it. It took multiple trips to wine country, but we're professionals and didn't mind going.

What are the differences between organic, biodynamic and sustainable?

Organic wines are made from certified organically grown grapes, avoiding any synthetic pesticides or additives, or, they can be made from organically grown grapes, without any added sulfites.

Biodynamic is similar to organic, but biodynamic farming sees a vineyard as an entire ecosystem, and also takes into account things such as astrological influences and lunar cycles. A biodynamic wine means that the grapes are farmed biodynamically, and that the winemaker did not make the wine with any common manipulations such as yeast additions or acidity adjustments. A wine “made from biodynamic grapes” means that a vintner used biodynamically grown grapes, but followed a less strict list of rules in winemaking.

Organic, Biodynamic and Sustainable Wineries of CA(圖4)-速報App

Sustainability refers to a range of practices that are not only ecologically sound, but also economically viable and socially responsible.

A wine can be organic but not biodynamic or sustainable. Biodynamic wines are almost always organic, and additionally sustainable. Sustainable doesn't necessarily mean organic.

Organic, Biodynamic and Sustainable Wineries of CA(圖5)-速報App
